Here is an image of the flyer sent me:

The text reads,
Sam Solomon is an expert in Shari'ah Law - that's Islamic jurisprudence. He spent 15 years studying Shari'ah Law to become an Islamic jurist, and after reading the New Testament converted to Christianity. He is the author of The Trojan Horse (about the threat of Islamic immigration), The Mosque Exposed, The Common Word (about Islamic undermining of the church), and Al-Yahood: Eternal Islamic Enmity and The Jews. One of the leading experts on Islam and Shariah law in the western world, Mr. Solomon has testifed before congress, is a consultant to the British parliament, and has been called to brief world leaders in several nations on matters regardingSee bottom of this post for a Google map to Gordon JCC with directions from the church.
Here is an interview (audio only) with Dr. Solomon at another venue.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Related as to topic, see my post, "Why jihad is central to Muslim faith."
Here is a Google map to the presentation. Click on the link at bottom for detailed directions.
View Larger Map